Monitoring our systems

All local government bodies are subject to an annual audit to monitor their systems for governance and accountability. This page contains links to copies of Carreghofa Community Council's Annual Returns, end-of-year financial statements and notices relating to audits.

Section 12 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 requires community and town councils in Wales to make up their accounts each year to 31 March and to have those accounts audited by the Auditor General for Wales. Smaller bodies, such as Carreghofa Community Council, are required to submit their accounts in the form of an Annual Return. The Annual Return must be prepared and approved by the Council by 30 June; it is then sent to an external auditor acting on behalf of the Auditor General for Wales. The external auditor completes the audit, certifies the Annual Return and sends it back to the Council by 30 September for publication.

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