September 2024

An emergency meeting was called to discuss the new LDP housing development taking place in Carreghofa.

Powys Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) 2022-2037


Candidate Site Initial Site Filter Assessment: CONSULTATION


Powys Council has now published details of the Candidate Sites which have been proposed for residential development. Outline details are available here: https://ldp.powys.gov.uk/document/16

There are three sites in Carreghofa which have been proposed for development in the Welshpool and Montgomery area. These are as follows:



Site Area

Proposed Use


Land West of Parc Llwyfen (appears to be the current football field, but not adjacent land)

0.53 hectares

Open Market Housing, Affordable Housing



Land North of Montgomery Canal (adjacent to site of new Carreghofa Lane Bridge)


2.18 hectares

Open Market Housing, Affordable Housing



Land North of Carreghofa Lane


1.58 hectares

Open Market Housing, Affordable Housing


Maps showing location of each site can be found on the interactive Powys website at:



The three candidate sites in the Carreghofa have all been proposed following initial review and filter, and I have attached a copy of the Findings of the Candidate Site Initial Site Filter Assessment as a pdf.

It can be noted that the Assessment document indicates that for residential sites “there is a minimum site size threshold of 0.25 hectares or five dwellings, at a minimum density of 25 dwellings per hectare [net]”, although this latter figure on housing density may be subject to subsequent review. On this basis the total volume of likely new residential units is in the region of 100. These would all be concentrated in the area closed to the new Carreghofa Lane Bridge, and would in effect close up the existing green corridor between Llanymynech village and the Carreghofa settlement.


The publication of the Candidate Site Assessment marks the commencement of a 49-day consultation period which provides opportunity for comment on each of the candidate sites. This consultation on closes on 7th October 2024 and is all online. Details on how to make comments on each site are available on the https://ldp.powys.gov.uk/document/16 website. In order to make and register comments it is necessary to register for an account with Powys.

Once logged in comments can be made on the relevant list of maps. The following provides a direct link to the candidate sites in the Welshpool and Montgomery area which include Carreghofa sites and through which comments can be registered (once logged in):






Additional Documents

minutes 240910.docx Carreghofa Settlement Profile.pdf